

10年專(zhuān)注 河道治理專(zhuān)用靜音沉水式風(fēng)機怕有噪音,就用黑偉靜音沉水式風(fēng)機!
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羅茨鼓風(fēng)機安裝時(shí),盡量選擇空曠陰涼的位置進(jìn)行安裝!避免安裝在環(huán)境封閉,空間狹小的地方。因為,空間狹小會(huì )影響羅茨風(fēng)機的散熱,尤其是風(fēng)冷式羅茨鼓風(fēng)機,當然,若您購買(mǎi)的是水冷式鼓風(fēng)機或沉水式鼓風(fēng)機,那就無(wú)需考慮這個(gè)問(wèn)題了。羅茨風(fēng)機運行中產(chǎn)生大量熱量,容易出現松弛、皮帶打滑現象。


在一個(gè)房間安裝多個(gè)羅茨鼓風(fēng)機時(shí),如果羅茨鼓風(fēng)機安裝密集,會(huì )出現散熱不良等問(wèn)題,溫度升高會(huì )影響設備的使用。因此,建議仔細通風(fēng)和散熱。同時(shí),羅茨鼓風(fēng)機不要串聯(lián)安裝!串聯(lián)安裝雖然可以增加壓力,但同時(shí)也會(huì )嚴重影響羅茨鼓風(fēng)機的壽命!


如果安裝的羅茨鼓風(fēng)機有大量的環(huán)境灰塵,羅茨鼓風(fēng)機的過(guò)濾裝置會(huì )經(jīng)常堵塞,過(guò)濾裝置堵塞后造成風(fēng)量不足,電流過(guò)大,影響設備的正常使用。當風(fēng)機過(guò)濾器中有大量灰塵時(shí),葉輪也會(huì )出現磨損。從而影響羅茨鼓風(fēng)機的壽命!


若羅茨鼓風(fēng)機在安裝或操作中,存在一些違規操作,或安裝不當的情況。也會(huì )影響羅茨鼓風(fēng)機的壽命!特別是對于水產(chǎn)養殖、污水處理,在接收羅茨鼓風(fēng)機試運行時(shí),一定要按照出廠(chǎng)說(shuō)明書(shū)的安裝操作流程進(jìn)行,否則造成齒輪損壞,電機損壞,羅茨鼓風(fēng)機停止工作的話(huà),多數羅茨鼓風(fēng)機廠(chǎng)家是不保修的。

平時(shí)不注意維護。  羅茨鼓風(fēng)機在日常使用中必須進(jìn)行維護,例如易損件:皮帶的定期更換、潤滑油的更換、羅茨風(fēng)機的清潔等。


Generally, the service life of Roots blower, whether domestic or imported, is five to ten years! The reason for the long service life span of Roots blower is due to the operating environment, maintenance cycle, operating pressure, power supply system and other factors of Roots blower! Therefore, if you want to ensure the service life of your purchased roots blower. The following points should be noted:

Operating environment of Roots blower

When installing roots blower, try to choose an open and cool location for installation! Avoid installing in closed environment and narrow space. Because the small space will affect the heat dissipation of Roots blower, especially the air-cooled Roots blower. Of course, if you buy a water-cooled blower or submerged blower, you don't need to consider this problem. Roots blower generates a lot of heat during operation, which is prone to slack and belt slipping.

Multiple roots blowers are installed densely or in series.

When installing multiple roots blowers in a room, if the roots blowers are installed densely, problems such as poor heat dissipation will occur, and the temperature rise will affect the use of the equipment. Therefore, careful ventilation and heat dissipation are recommended. At the same time, roots blower should not be installed in series! Although the series installation can increase the pressure, it will also seriously affect the service life of Roots blower!

Set in dusty environment.

If the installed roots blower has a large amount of environmental dust, the filter device of Roots blower will often be blocked. After the filter device is blocked, the air volume is insufficient and the current is too large, affecting the normal use of the equipment. When there is a lot of dust in the fan filter, the impeller will also be worn. This will affect the service life of Roots blower!

Roots blower is improperly installed and operated.

If there are some illegal operations or improper installation during the installation or operation of Roots blower. It will also affect the service life of Roots blower! Especially for aquaculture and sewage treatment, when receiving roots blower for trial operation, it must be carried out according to the installation and operation process of the factory manual, otherwise the gear and motor will be damaged, and most roots blower manufacturers will not guarantee if roots blower stops working.

Don't pay attention to maintenance at ordinary times.

Roots blower must be maintained in daily use, such as vulnerable parts: regular replacement of belt, replacement of lubricating oil, cleaning of Roots blower, etc.

The above is the general service life of Roots blower summarized by Shanghai Ruizhe environmental protection, the manufacturer of Roots blower, and the five factors that affect the service life of Roots blower!